1. On your GoGuardian dashboard, and click Scenes.
2. Click Add Scene
3. Click Enter a Name.
4. Type the Name of your scene.
5. Click Filters to change it to Block Mode.
6. On the right, click NWEA MAPÂ under "District quick lists."
7. Scroll down and click Add Lists.
8. Scroll down and click Auto-Open Tabs
9. When you start this testing scene, you'll want the following site to open for your students. So first, copy this url: https://test.mapnwea.org/#/nopopup Then, paste it into the Auto-Open Tabs. |
10. On the right, click Add Tab.
11. Scroll down and select the number of Maximum Open Tabs.
12. Set the Maximum number of tabs to 2. One for their NWEA MAP test, and the other incase you need to send them a link to your Zoom.
13. Scroll up to the top and click Save Scene.
14. Once you have started your GoGuardian session for your testing group and gone over the directions, you will click No scene applied and choose your MAP testing scene to apply it.