1. From the Money Movement menu, choose ACH
2. Click Create a template
3. Enter the Template information
4. Enter the Template Name
5. Once you have named your template, choose a Request type from the drop-down menu.
6. Select the Company name/ID, enter the description that your recipients will see when they receive payments, and then choose which Debit account you would like to use
7. The maximum transfer amount is the limit for the transaction. Whatever number you put into this field will ensure that you never use this template to make an ACH payment for more than the maximum transfer amount
8. To see your limits, click the View Your ACH Limit link
9. Review the ACH Limits pop-up
10. Click Continue
11. Now you must set your Destination Accounts. Enter the ABA number and the Account Number of the receiving account. Always be sure to select the Account Type, whether it is Checking or Savings. |
12. Under name, you must include the legal name of the company or person you are paying
13. Only place a default amount if you know you will be paying the same amount every time this template is used. If the ACH amounts will vary, leave this number at zero.
14. Click Save Template
15. You will receive the following confirmation message if your template was successfully submitted for approval.
16. Once approved, your new template will appear on the Make Payment tab
17. Find your template in the available templates list to use at anytime
18. And that's it. You're done.