1. This tutorial is to show how to create plans and assignments in HMH Ed - Into Literature Program. Click anywhere to begin.
2. The first step is to open HMH Ed - and click the Create tab.
3. Here you will see any plans you have previously made. To create one, click on the Create Plan button.
4. Click the box under Plan Name and Type in a title.Â
5. Click in the Description box. (This optional) You could give a description to explain a bit about the plan if you want. This is especially helpful if you plan to share it with other teachers. |
6. Click Save & Continue |
7. Now Click the Discover tab to view and add resources to your plan.
8. Click the drop down arrow under 'select a program' and select the appropriate textbook program.
9. For each lesson, you can click "view resources" to see the content available per lesson.
10. For each resource selection you want to include, click Add to PlanÂ
11. Click the check box to select the plan to add it to. Then click the Add button |
12. Keep Scrolling down and click Add to Plan for each additional resource you want to include.
13. Click the Next button to see more resources on the next page.
14. Now the items have been added to your plan. Any time you want to review all the content in the plan - click the  Create tab.
15. Click on the Plan to view.
16. You will see all of the items that are included in theplan. If you need to re-order the content, just grab the dots in front and drag it up or down to move. Click on the dots and Drag the Rogue Wave Close Read Practice up one level.
16b. Drop
17. Now to assign this content to your students, click on the assign button to the right of the item.
18. You may assign each component to a single class, multiple classes, or to student groups. (You can find out more about groups in a different module). Click the checkbox to choose a class or classes. |
19. You will Select the start and due dates. Click the due date box.
20. Then Click the Assign button.
21. click on the My Class tab.
22. You will see all assignments listed in the My Class tab. Click on the assignment to review or to make any changes.
23. To edit an assignment, click the Edit button.
24. To adjust which students get the assignment, Click the Select all box to uncheck all students.Â
25. Then select just the individual students who should get the assignment and Click Update.
26. That's it. Your assignment is ready for students. To see how students get to the assignments, please look for that module. Thank you for watching! |