1. The first step is to open your Browser such as: Google Chrome, and then open https://fiori.homecredit.co.id |
2. Click on the user Field, then enter Your SAP ID on highlight area. SAP ID is for example : ID1901077859, it is the combination of ID+10 digits NIK |
3. Type in highlight area for your SAP ID, for example: ID1901077859
3b. Click
4. Click Reset Password button to continue resetting
5. Please note about the information dialog that verification string will be sent to your email, and will be valid for 20 minutes. Click close this window, and Check Your Email |
6. You will see new email with title: Verify user for password reset. You will see on highlight area for the verification string. To be noted that Verification string is not your Password. |
7. Select and Copy the verification string and move back to your Resetting Form
8. Click again Reset Password
9. Right Click on the highlight field for copying the Verification string
10. Select Paste
11. Continue by clicking Reset Password
12. Please note about the information dialog that New Password will be sent to your email. Click close this window, and Check Your Email |
13. You will see new email with title: New Password. You will see on highlight area for New Password. To be noted that this is your initial Password that later must be changed into your own Password. |
14. Select and Copy the Password and move back to your Resetting Form
15. Click highlight Password field
16. Press Ctrl+V on your Keyboard, to Paste your copied Password
17. Click Logon button
18. Click on Current Password field, Press Ctrl+V on your Keyboard, to Paste again the copied Password
19. Click on New Password field, type in your new own Password. Following is the rule of new Password: Different from your previous 5 passwords, Min. length 8 characters, Contain Caps letter and Number. |
20. Click on Repeat Password field, type in again your new own Password. Click Change button to change the Password |
20b. Click
21. Click Continue button. You were success to reset your Passwords |
22. Fiori Screen now is opened, You may close this screen or stay for Fiori, or You can open SAP GUI login program using your new Password, Please be noted, that Fiori Password is also your SAP GUI login Password. |
23. That's it. You're done.