1. The Attendance Tool allows you to record attendance and allows the student to track their attendance. It consists of creating an attendance scheme, creating a register, and taking attendance. NOTE: the Attendance does not connect with the Grade book
2. This tutorial will cover Recording Attendance.
3. Click Management
4. Click Attendance
5. Click your Attendance Register,  MW Classes
6. Scroll and click the calendar icon next to the appropriate class meeting.
7. Scroll and click the dropdown under Attendance Status
8. Select your attendance type, in this case P for present.
9. Click None
10. Select L
11. Click None
12. Select A
13. When finished, click Save.
14. Scroll and click Close
15. There is a shortcut option when taking attendance I'd like to show you. Scroll and click the calendar icon for W1W
16. Click Set Status for All Users
17. Click the dropdown under Status
18. Since you would assume the majority of your students attend class, select P
19. Click Save
20. Click Save
21. This fills in the status for every student. Now you can go back and change only those that were not present. Let's change TLT Student to Late. Scroll and click P next to TLT Student |
22. Select L
23. Click Save
24. Scroll down and click Close
25. Now let's take a look at the Attendance Register. You'll see that is shows the attendance for each user.
26. If we scroll to the right of the screen you'll see the percentage of classes the student has attended as well as their attendance totals. Based on the Cause for Concern I set you'll see the last student has a Concern icon next to their name. |
27. One other note, the percent attendance number cannot be automatically synchronized with the grade book in OAKS. You must manually enter these numbers into the grade book if so desired.
28. Click Done
29. That's it. You're done.