1. In OAKS you can check to see how many students are engaging with Course content and create a report. This can help you monitor student engagement.

To do this go to your Course Homepage  and click Content

Step 1 image

2. Click Table of Contents

Step 2 image

3. Click the down arrow on the Related Tools button

Step 3 image

4. Click View Reports

Step 4 image

5. Here you can view, how many students have access to a specific topic, module or resources, how many students visited the content and the average time spent. 

Step 5 image

6. To create a report click Export Statistics to generate a spreadsheet file.

Step 6 image

7.  Once your file is ready to download a pop up window such as this will say "your file is ready to download" Click to download

Step 7 image

8. That's it. You're done.

Step 8 image

Interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **