1. This tutorial will show you to make modules and topics visible and hide them. The first step is to go to your Homepage and click Content
2. Click the module you want to hide. *You may find if you are working on a module, and not ready for students to see it, you will want to hide it |
3. Click the open eye
4. It will open a slide button with the word Visible
5. Click the white circle to slide it over and cover the open eye
6. Now you see the word Hidden and an eye with a slash, indicating that the module is now hidden from students
7. Let's look at how to make a Topic visible. Click on the Module to make a topic visible |
8. Scroll down and click the eye with a slash next to the topic.
9. You will now see the word Hidden next to a button
10. Click the white button to slide it and cover the eye with a slash
11. That's it. You made the topic visible to students.