1. The first step to import files such as quiz questions or content) from a publisher into OAKS is to open the
course Homepage and click the Admin Tool Gear icon.
2. Scroll down and click Import/Export/Copy Components
3. Scroll down and click Import Components
4. Click Start
5. Click Upload and locate the zipped publisher file. Remember, the file needs to be zipped. You can also drag and drop the zipped file into this window.
6. If you know you are going to be uploading all the components in the file, click Import All Components. Otherwise, click Advanced Options to see and select the components you want. For this example, we will select Advanced Options.
7. Allow the file to load then click Continue
8. Scroll through and select the desired component options.
9. Either click Import all items or Select individual items to import if you want to further refine your selection. For this example, we will select individual items.
10. Scroll down and decide if you want to overwrite the existing file or not
11. Click Continue
12. Click the individual components you want to import.
13. Click Continue
14. This page gives you a summary of what you are importing. Make sure it is correct and click Continue
15. Wait until the components load, then click View Content
16. Scroll through your content to find the uploaded components. That's it. You're done! |
17. Scroll down and that's it. You're done.