1. You can require that students create their own VoiceThreads by adding them to Content as an Assignment.
2. The VoiceThread Assignment types are: Watch: users must watch the entire VoiceThread before getting credit. Comment: users must watch and comment on the entire. VoiceThread before getting credit Create: users must make their own VoiceThread. |
3. This tutorial will focus on adding a Create Assignment to Content. The first step is to open your OAKS Course and click Content. |
4. Click the appropriate Module from the left.
5. Scroll up and click Add Existing Activities.
6. Scroll to the bottom and click VoiceThread. Note: this is NOT in External Learning Tools. |
7. Click Assignment Builder.
8. Click CREATE: Students are required to make a VoiceThread using a video, image, document, or presentation.
9. Click Continue.
10. On the next screen, you can also add or delete comments on the VoiceThread slides. Next to Number of comments students must record on their own VoiceThread, type in the minimum amount of comments they need to make. I'm going to choose "8." |
11. Next to Number of slides required, choose the minimum amount of slides their VoiceThread must contain. Â
12. Scroll down and select the type of comments you will allow. I only want the students to use a webcam so I'll uncheck all of the other options.
13. Scroll down. The next section contains more settings. To make sure to keep the presentations at a manageable length, you can limit the length of each comment.
14. Click Limit Length then type in the max length of each slide.
15. I've chosen 2 minutes per slide to keep the presentation moving. This is an important management strategy to help with instructor grading.
16. Scroll down and choose the Permissions you want.
17. Lastly, determine if you want the students to see each other's presentations. If you do, say for peer review, you will check the box next to Allow students to see each other's submissions for this assignment
18. Click Continue.
19. Click in Assignment Name to title your Assignment.
20. Because this is considered an Assignment, you can add Start, Due, and Close Dates. These are all OPTIONAL. Scroll down and click Start date. This is the first date/time they can start the VoiceThread assignment in your Content. |
21. Select the Date.
22. Next, select the time.
23. Click Due date. This is the date/time the assignment is Due.  Note: the assignment can still be submitted until the Close Date but will be flagged as Late. |
24. Click Due Date and select a Date.
25. Select a time.
26. Click Close date. This is the date/time the VoiceThread can no longer be viewed.  It is not recommended that you use a Close date/time as it prevents students from viewing Content at a later date. |
27. Lastly, select how you wish to assess their comments. Percentage: based off of 100% and you type in the grade as a percent. Complete/Incomplete:Â They get a "1" if they complete it and a "0" of they do not. Points: you define the points to grade out of. |
28. Click Points.
29. Type in the possible points.
30. Click Publish.
31. Click on the VoiceThread you added.
32. This is the Instructor's View. To Edit the Assignment, click on the three dots to the far right. |
33. Click Edit assignment
34. When finished editing, click Publish.
35. Click Student Gallery to see ALL of the students' submissions.
36. On the far right you will see who has submitted the assignments. You can also email everyone who has not submitted. Click Remind students. |
37. Click Send Message.
38. That's it. You're done.