1. The first step is to open your OAKS Course and click Content.
2. From the left, click on the Module that contains your VT Assignment.
3. Click on the Watch Assignment to grade.
4. WATCH Assignments are automatically graded based on Complete or Incomplete. Either the student watched it and clicked Submit or they didn't. As the instructor, you can't change this but you can override it.
5. From the instructor interface you can see who has watched (the Graded tab) and who has not watched (the Ungraded tab). Click the Graded tab. |
6. To change a grade, click on the dropdown arrow next to a student from the list.
7. From here you can change the grade and click Save Grade.
8. You can also remove a submission by clicking on Additional Options.
9. Then click Unsubmit.
10. Normally, upon the creation of the assignment, a grade column will be created in the Grade Book and the Assignment will be linked to that column. |
11. If you do NOT want the grade to go into the Grade Book, click on the name under Assessment in the lower right corner.
12. Click No Grade.
13. If you want the grade to go to a pre-created column in the Grade Book, select that column.
14. Otherwise, leave it as it is.
15. Click Save
16. Let's go to Grades to ensure it went into the column properly. Click Grades. |
17. Click Grades again.
18. Click Enter Grades
19. Locate the appropriate column and notice that a "1" had been added, indicating that it is complete.
20. That's it. You're done.