1. To add Start and/or End Dates to a Topic, click Communication (next to Content on the Navbar).
2. Click Discussions (the last option on the drop-down menu). |
3. Click the down-arrow next to Topic. |
4. Click Edit Topic (the third option on the drop-down menu). |
5. Click Availability Dates & Conditions (the first box on the right). |
6. To restrict when students can first see, access, and/or post Threads, click Start Date.
7. Select a date and time.
8. Click Visible with access restricted to choose a restriction.
9. Select a restriction. Visible with access restricted means students can see the Topic, but cannot enter. Visible with submission restricted means students can see and access the Topic (and grading rubric), but cannot post. |
10. Click Done (blue button).
11. To restrict when students can last see, access, and/or post Threads, click End Date.
12. Select a date and time.
13. Click Visible with access restricted to choose a restriction.
14. Select a restriction. Visible with submission restricted is typically used for graded Topics. |
15. Click Add availability dates to Calendar to add the Start and End Dates to the Calendar.
16. Click Done (blue button).
17. Click Save and Close (blue button).
18. That's it. You're done!