1. To create a New Topic, click Communication (next to Content on the Navbar).
2. Click Discussions (the last option on the drop-down menu).
3. Click New (blue button). |
4. Click New Topic (the last option on the drop-down menu).
5. Click the Topic Title text box and delete Untitled.
6. Type a Topic Title for your Topic. For example, Midterm Elections. |
7. Click Change Forum (gray button) to select an existing Forum to add your Topic. By default, the system will create a Forum with the same name as the Topic unless you select an existing Forum or change it. |
8. Click Choose an existing forum. |
9. Select an existing Forum. For example, Current Events. |
10. Click Apply Changes (blue button). |
11. Click the Description text box to add your discussion prompt and instructions.
12. Scroll down and click Save and Close (blue button).
13. That's it. You're done.