1. The first step is to open Padlet and click Sign up
2. Type your email address or, sign up with an existing email through Google, Microsoft or Apple. I'm going to create an account using my Mesa email.
3. Click Continue
4. Create and enter a password
5. Click Create account
6. Click I'm a student
7. Select the FREE plan and click Get started
8. Click Let’s go
9. To join the padlet for your week one assignment, click Join a padlet
10. Copy and paste the padlet URL that I listed for your team number in the Student Introductions assignment in Canvas.
11. Now you can access this week's Padlet assignment. Before you add to this Padlet or any other coure Padlet, please add your name to your Padlet profile so I can identify you on the Padlet. Click on your profile up in the top right corner. |
12. You can change your profile image here.
13. You have lots of options for a profile picture.
14. Click in the name field.
15. Type your name here. At the very least, include your first name and last name initial so that I can identify you to give you credit for the assignment.
16. Click Save
17. Click Go back arrow to return to Padlet
18. If you'd like to add a comment to a post, click Add comment
19. Type your comment and press Enter
20. The add a post to a column, click the + Add post to this section For this assignment, you'll need to add a post to every column. |
21. Enter the title of your Post
22. Click here to add content to your Post
23. You can add images, documents, links to other sources, and more to your post. Click on the link to add a link to a website or other digital source.
24. Click on the camera icon to Take a photo using the camera on your device.
25. Click camera
26. Don't forget to smile and leave a caption of the image.
27. Click Save
28. Click Publish post
29. Scroll down to view your post
29b. Drop
30. If you not happy with the post, click More post actions to edit or delete your post.
31. For this first assignment and for most assignments, you'll need to add a post to each column on the Padlet. Click Add post to this section
32. That's it. You've set up your Padlet account, added your name to your profile and learned how create a post and leave a comment on a post.